Raul with Fox News Host Judge Jeanine Pirro.

Raul with Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Raul with President and First Lady Trump

Raul and Nikki meet ambassador to Israel David Friedman

Raul with Brigitte Gabriel, national security expert and Chairman of ACT For America.

Raul with Steve Forbes.

Raul with U.K. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
- Raul is interviewed by the Palm Beach Post
- Raul is interviewed on South Florida TV
- Raul is interviewed by Newsmax TV
- Raul is interviewed by Forbes
- Raul discusses customer touch points
- Raul presents at Northern Trust Bank
- Raul speaks at Lynn University
- Raul discuses the cost of poor service
- The Stages of Service Excellence
- America’s golden age: a thing of the past
- Raul discusses the cost of attrition
- Customer attrition: marketing’s ticking time bomb
- Strategic planning: a fool’s errand
- The bureaucratization of service
- The Customer’s Decision Journey
- America’s Service Meltdown wins the Pinnacle Award
- Raul discusses the Service Ethic
- Raul’s award winning book
- Raul’s award winning book